Friday, 30 December 2011

Friday Finds (30th December)

Thanks to the fantastic Blog ShouldbeReading

They do a weekly post about the great finds you have made of the week.

What Great books did you discover/ hear about this week?

Thanks to the great present of my Kindle for Xmas I have been given so many recommendations by friends and just trailing Amazon.

These are some of my Finds:
How to Survive the End of The World As we Know it: Tatics, techniques and Technologies for uncertain Times - James Wesley Rawles (Kindle Edition)

I do not know what to expect with this book, but my friend said it would be a great read for me on the kindle. anyone read or even heard of it?
how to survive the end of the world....

A dirty Job: Christopher Moore
My friend had mentioned this author before, so while I was looking for purchases for my Kindle I noticed the name and looked at the rather awesome front cover. These are suppose to be quite popular books.
A Dirty Job

Plum Island: Nelson Demille
Plum Island

American conspiracies: Jesse Ventura

I just love this guy's TV show and was found by a friend of mine :) I've just started to read it and it is exactly how I imagined it to be!
American Conspiracies

Catwoman's 2012 Reading Challenges

 I was so bad last year. I barely read any books in the first half of the year. But my mojo has picked up.

This year I will also be going away on some big holidays which will involve some rather long flights. Back to what I did in 2010. Hopefully this will give me even more time to read and hopefully give me more incentive to keep my book lists going.

I also got a Kindle for Xmas so it will make me easier to read on the go.

I have decided to set myself a higher reading challenge this year. 50 BOOKS!!!! I know for some people this isn't alot for some but for me this is a lot.

Included in this I want to get back into reading Non-fiction again. I barely read any this year (2011) so I want to change this. I have some City guide books in this so that will help. My challange is to READ 10 NON FICTION BOOKS

Also want to get back into completing my LOST book club challenge. I only read a couple last year. So that is a little mini challange for me.MY challenge is 10 LOST BOOK CLUB BOOKS

Wanna try and get back into reading graphic Novels/ Comics again. so hopefully I can read 5.

Also I am going to Florida with my kids in August and while we are there we are going to The wizarding world of Harry Potter. I started reading the books in 2011 and I have read up to book five. I am starting to love them now, but I must make sure I finish them before Florida or my kids will kill me!! 

Do you guys have any reading Challanges? Any books that you are determined to read? A massive TBR Pile that needs to go down before it topples?

Friday, 23 December 2011

Book Review: The Bible Code 2: The Countdown - Micheal Drosnin

Rating 3 out of 5 stars.

Synopsis (taken from Amazon) 

"Twin Towers" was encoded in the 3000-year-old text. "Airplane" appeared in exactly the same place. "It caused to fall, knocked down" crossed "airplane" and "towers"...But it was not this terrorist attack that really shook me. It was what the Bible code predicted was yet to come.' This is the sensational sequel to THE BIBLE CODE, which rocketed to the top of the bestseller charts in 1997. The discovery of a code encrypted in the Bible some 3000 years ago caught the public imagination. But if this code predicted the disastrous events of 9/11, what more can it tell us about our future? And if we are on the road to Armageddon, can it give us the information we need to survive? One word of advice - don't make big plans for 2006... 

My review

 I read the first book a couple years ago after picking it up in an airport. It was a real quick and light read. As a conspitacy fan whether I believe the conspiracy or not I do enjoy them.

This isn't a conpiracy that I actually really believe. Nor is it something that I feel a need to keep researching. 

The beginning starts on the morning of 9/11, and how he goes to the computer to see if the Bible Code 'Predicted'the twin towers collapsing. Obviously, surprise surprise it does. Yes I suppose I did say that in a sarcastic tone. 

Looking back it probably looks like I hated the book. I didn't. I can understand why people did not like the book. But if you look at it as a book that shows someone's passions and theories than it's OK. It couldn't be that bad... I wanna read the next one. I wanna be converted!

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Book review: Harry potter and the Goblet of Fire.

I know this is a book review and I should review, yet I don't feel I need to write a blurb or a comphrensive review. I feel everyone and their cats have read the series, I'm so far behind all I will say is that I LOVED IT, Loved the ending. Roll on the next book!

Book Review: Contest by Matthew Reilly



The New York State Library looms as a silent sanctuary of knowledge: a hundred-year-old labyrinth of towering bookcases, narrow isles, and spiral staircases.
But for Dr Stephen Swain and his eight-year-old daughter Holly it is a place of nightmare. Because, for just one night, this historic building is to become the venue of a horrifying contest... a contest in which Swain must compete whether he likes it or not.
The rules of the challenge are simple: seven contestants will enter, but only one will leave.
With his daughter in his arms, Stephen Swain is plunged into a terrifying fight for survival. The stakes are high, the odds are brutal. He can choose to run, to hide, or to fight - but if he wants to live, he needs to win.
For, in this particular contest, unless you leave as victor, you don't leave at all.

My review: 

My friend gave me this book as he thought I would love it. At the time I had loads of books I had to plough through.

First off I found that the edition I had, had a cover that did not really show a good representation of the book. This looks like some kind of Dan Brown thriller. It does have elements of Brown with it's fast pace and light reading style. Yet with this book there is an element of sci fi and fantasy.

So it starts off with you learning who the hero of the book will be. Stephen Swain is a Doctor, who with his daughter unwittingly enters a 'galactic' competition. A competition where the winner takes the ulimate prize.... Their Life!

The plot is very fast paced, nor is it hard to get confused with what happening. This I feel is because it's not exactly a complex storyline.  But then by what I have read online the author admits that he never intended his work to be epic masterpieces.  I read this book real quick and I think this would be perfect for a holiday read. Once finished I moved straight on to another book.

My only major issue is that I did struggle a little to imagine the setting. Sometimes I found it all too unbeliveable; which isn't a bad thing in a Sci-fi novel but there comes a point where it makes you fall out of the world that the author is trying to bring you in.

Overall a quick, fast paced book with a plot that is some what unrealistic scenes but is perfect for a plane flight.

Should i have given it a 4 star? yes and no. It kept me reading, I would recommend, yet I was not raving about it. What a hard book to review.

Friday, 25 November 2011

My first Friday Friday Finds Post.

So I decided that I would really try and work on making my blog more regular as I am starting get quite passionate about my blog so as I had the time I thought I would start of with this one.

Friday Finds is a weekly post made by the fab  Should Be Reading

What great books did you hear about/ discover this past week? Share with us your Friday Finds.

So hear I go.

I haven't found or heard about that many books this week but my first one is

Ice Station By Mathew Rielly Ice station

I have a couple friends who I have found out love to read and while waiting for our kids to finish school we have been talking about book recommendations. She recommended this series. 

Book number two is Digital Fortress By Dan Brown.  Digital Fortress 

This was given to me by a friend to read as even though I knew Dan Brown I had read The da Vinci Code, he Lost Symbol and Angels and Demons I had never got around to reading this one. 

And finally Book Three is Contest by Matthew Rielly. Contest by Matthew Reilly

This was also lent to me by a friend who had just finished reading it and thought I would like it. I have only just this second realised that it is the same author as the first book! I think I better start reading this author!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Book Review: Death Sentence by Mikkel Birkegaard

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars..... I think.

A murder committed on paper, safely within the confines of a novel, is one thing. To see that one crime in the real world, is something else entirely...
Frank Fons is a successful crime writer. His novels, famed for their visceral description of violent death, have made him a household name. but now someone is copying his crimes. For Frank what once served a clever, intriguing plot twist has suddenly become a terrifying, blood splattered reality.

Frank unwittingly swaps a role of writer for detective. He must find out who is using his fiction to destroy his life, and why. What had once been a game is now a matter of life and death.

In fiction the bad guy always get caught, but in real life there is no such guarantee. And as frank knows, no one is promising him a happy ending...

My Review.
This book was given to me from Transworld Books. 

This is an incredibly hard book to review and I have been sat at my computer wondering what I want to say and how I can truly convey what I am thinking right now. 

You know the phrase 'It does exactly what it says on the Tin (Blurb)'? Well this book doesn't. By that I don't mean that it doesn't have a serial killer. It does. I don't mean that there aren't some truly grisly tails of murder, torture and death. There are. What I mean is that the story layout and it's main stance on this type of genre is totally different to what I expected and I am still unsure whether or not I liked it. I would say however that I devoured the book in a rate like I had never experienced a crime book before. I found that I was totally involved in all the emotions that Frank felt and all the experiences and problems that he put himself in. I felt hatred and repulsion for the man and then at other times I kind of empathised with him, and for that I would like to applaud Birkegaard. Unlike other people I found the book to be fast passed with short chapters. This like other books I have read lately, including another Transworld Book; Crippen, they had two narratives. One where you saw the life of Frank; From the beginning of his love of reading and writing, to falling in love, being a dad, to finding the demons that fame, fortune and power can bring and how those demons can change you and bring the life that you once had down.  I found this storyline good, the characters were well executed and all rather memorable. 
The other part of this was the storyline that you expected after reading the blurb. Frank who now lives alone gets a telephone call to say that a murder has been committed and that it looks like something out of one one his books. Frank goes to investigate and soon becomes aware that the murder is closer to home than what he first thought.  This then starts what becomes a race against time for Frank to find the killer... This part of the book let it down for me. I had read other reviews that said that this book was incredibly gory and just too much. I hadn't found this to be true until the last 20 pages. I have read a lot of crime novels and those pages will forever be etched in my mind. Maybe I have a high tolerance to scenes that were described in the book but it didn't put me off at all. What did put me off was the way I felt the author rushed through the later part of the book. I felt that many loose ends were not dealt with and that the last 50 pages were just wrote to finish the book quickly. The ending was an utter disappointment and I wish so much I could explain why I thought this way but because of the risk of a spoiler I cannot say more, but it was a major let down. I can understand why the ending was the way it was but for me as a crime reader I read crime for a reason, and the ending was an utter anti climax! I would love to hear from other people who have read this book and see what they thought.

This is why my review is quite a strange one and part of me still doesn't know what to give the book star wise, as I utterly love some elements but despised others.

Would I read another book by the author? Yes, yes I think I would.

Do I think that he is the cream of the crop when it comes to Scandinavian authors? No, I do not understand why some reviews have said that he is like Larsson (The Girl with the dragon tattoo) There are no similarities between the two. If he is is to be compared by any other author from Scandinavia I would say that it would be more like a Camilla Lackberg. I haven't got round to reading my Jo Nesbo book to compare that yet.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

I want Theme hosptial on the Iphone.

when I was a teen I spent a lot oftime on my PS playing Theme Hospital. I was addicted. I was looking at my iphone looking for a new game and  I was thinking that that game would be fantastic for the iPhone. I need to pop some bloaty heads! 

what are your favourite retro games, or games that you miss on a console or PC that you wish you had on your iPod/ iPhone?

Friday, 28 October 2011

Book Review: Crippen by John Boyne

Rating 3.5 out of 5 stars.

July 1910, the grisly remains of Cora Crippen, music hall singer and wife of Dr Hawley Crippen are discovered in the cellar of 39 Hilldrop Cresent Camden. But the doctor and his mistress, Ethel Le Neve have vanished., much to the frustration of Scotland Yard and the outrage of a horrified London.

Across the channel in Antwerp, the SS Montrose sets sail on it's two week voyage to Canada. Amongst it's passengers are the overbearing Antonia Drake and her daughter Victoria, who is hell-bent on romance, the enigmatic Zela and the modest Martha Hayes. Also on board are the unassuming Mr John Robinson and his seventeen year old son Edmund. But all is not as it seems...

My review:
This review is for the Transworld book group reading challenge. 

First off I would like to say that if you are in an airport and decide to get an easy read for the plane or for when you are on the beach this would be a fantastic choice! I don't think I have read a book this easy to read in a long long time.  

But... I am kinda in a dilemma writing this review. On one hand like I said it was easy to read. I was able to put the book down to work and be a Mum and then be able to pick it straight back up and get back into the story without a problem. However stereotypical the characters on the SS Montrose were I found them to have faces, shadows and become part of my image of the story... The characters came alive. 
The layout of the book reminds me of a book called 'A Brutal Art' by Jesse Kellerman. Where you would go back and forth in time to show the story of a character. I had no trouble with this in Crippen and found that this was a great idea. Unlike other people who have read the book I found no issue with the focus of Crippen's early years. I just found this part of the build up.

Now my issue. There are quite a few things, details are are just historically wrong which really put me off giving this book any higher a rating. 

In a nutshell, if you want a light read and are not bothered with whether a book has more fact than fiction then this well could be the book for you. If you are bothered with factual content then I think that the historical bloopers in this book will put you off.

Thursday, 27 October 2011


So I decided that I would have a book giveaway! Whoooo. This is a new book and has just been on my bookshelf for a while as I have a double.

My giveaway will run for the whole month and will end @ 7pm 27th November. I will notify the winner within two days and will need to respond within a week. If not I will contact another winner.

The prize... Doctor Who Vanashing point. By stephen Cole.

The Blurb:     Imagine a World where death has a meaning, where God exists and faith is untested. where the people die with the purpose of there made clear to them in blissful understanding. Such a world exists, hidden on the far side of the universe where a battered blue police box has just faded into being...
 This is in the series of original adventures for the Eighth doctor.


1. YOu need to be a follower of my blog, or become a follower of my blog.
2. Post a comment saying that you have followed and which of the Doctors is your favourite. (make sure that you tell me how you would like to be contacted if you are the lucky winner! None of your details will be passed on to ANYONE! Also your twitter name if you RT.
3. To get an extra entry. Follow me on twitter @catwomanthegeek and RT.....
"I've entered @catwomanthegeek book giveaway

After the compeition has finished I will put all the names into a hat, more than likely my son's Star Wars hat (double if you have RT) and get one of my sons to pick out a winner.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Elijah Wood Joins Treasure Island

I found this article on the Sky 1 website. Apparently there is going to be a new Treasure Island adaptation on Sky1 at the end of the year. Staring Elijah Wood and Eddie Izzard.

This looks good.

Treasure Island.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Warner Bro gets Deal for the Hobbit Toys.

Yay!! so there will be toys and merchendise for The Hobbit! Fantastic! Looking forward to collecting the figures. Roll on Dec 2012!

Hobbit merch.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Book Review : Twelve by Jasper Kent.

3 out of 5 stars


Autumn, 1812. Napolean's triumphant grande Armee continues it's relentless march into Russia. City after city has fallen and now only a miracle can keep the french from taking Moscow itself.
In a last desperate act of defiance, a group of Russian officers enlist the help of twelv mercebarues who claim they can turn the tide of the war. It seems an impossible boast but it soon becomes clear that these strangers from the outer reaches of christian europe are indeed quite capable of fulfilling their promise... and more.

But the fact that so few seem able to accomplish so much unsettles one of the Russians, Captain Aleksei Ivanovich danilov. As Winer closes in, he beings to comprehend the true, horrific natire of the twelve and the nightmare he has unwittingly helped to unleash...

My Review.
This book was given to me and to be reviewed for the Transworld Book club.
This was a book I wanted to read for a while after catching it on a BBC TV show about books that are bought in read in Airports, which was part of a series for World Book Night. Vampres and Historical fiction. What more could Catwoman ask for?

I struggled with this book to begin with. It was slow. I struggled to get any feel for the characters apart from the man character who I didn't particularly like. As for the vampires. A little more discription would have helped.  For the first 200 pages I could barely read 20 pages a time. I physically groaned picking up the book hoping at some point it would actually kick start with something interesting and if it wasn't for that the fact I was given the book to review I would have put it back on the shelf. But if you are thinkig about getting this book. I would recommend but with the advice to persevere!!! IT DOES GET BETTER! The ending has a fantastic twists which does leave it nicely for the next in the series.

Overall the second half of the book is good and I will at some point pick up the second hoping it doesn't start like the first.


Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Star Wars Kinect Delayed

So I have just found out that the Star Wars game for the Kinect has been delayed by Microsoft.

Confirmed by Microsoft, the release dates of the game for the Kinect and the special edition of the Xbox have been delayed. 
"Microsoft and LucasArts have elected to move the launch of Kinect Star Wars beyond holiday 2011 to ensure the full potential of this title is realized," a spokesperson told OXM. "This move applies to both the Kinect Star Wars stand-alone game and the Kinect Star Wars Limited Edition Console. We will communicate additional timing information at a later date."

So this means no release date until 2012. Which sucks. I was planning on getting the Kinect for my kids (and myself) as a 'family' present for Christmas.  Do I still get it?

But on the other hand I want the game to be fantastic and if that means they sort out  all the issues for a game that I hope and expect to be fantastic then I can wait and accept that. *Sighs*

So was anyone else going to buy a Kinect purely to play the Star Wars Kinect game? What are your feelings on the delay?

Friday, 9 September 2011

Book Review: Reckless by Cornelia Funke

3.5 out of 5 stars

For the first time in his life, Jacob Reckless is afraid. For years he's stolen across to another world. A dark enchanted place he's loved for its treasure, secrets and dangers. Until now. Will, his younger brother, has followed him with terrible consequences: the boy will turn to beast; the girl he loves will break her heart and chaos will rule forever, unless Jacob can spin a fairytale to save them..

My Review:
I have never read Funke's previous books, even though they have have always been books that I have wanted to read. This book is not in the 'Inkheart' series and can be read without reading the others.

The front cover is beautiful and very gripping and makes you want to pick the book up. There are also some lovely illustrations throughout with the book.

The story centres around Jacob whom is trying to find a way to save his brother Will from turning into a Goyl, with the help of Will's Girlfriend and Fox. They go on an action packed adventure.

This is like a classic fairytale with many modern day twists. Funke has taken many influences from authors and other fairytales( Snow white and Sleepy Beauty are mentioned) while not taking away the originality of her own tale. She does use them to help you understand the world that you are follwing and tries to help you plant the imagination seed in your head.

The lead characters are good and I found them to be memorable. I do agree with some other people who have wrote reviews that there are parts of the story where the lack of description in certain parts of the book did become an issue for me, and I found becuase of this, some parts of the story did not flow as well, and I was unable to put myself with the magical world that Funke was trying to portray, and because of this I had to give the book less stars.

Overall a lovely pleasant book, that I am sure will satisfy many people who love the fairytale, fantasy genre.

Book Review: The Bone Collector by Jeffery Deaver

5 out of 5 stars

New York City is thrown into chaos by the assaults of the Bone Collector, a serial kidnapper and killer who gives the police a chance to save his victims from dea
th by leaving obscure clues. The cops go to Lincoln Rhyme, an ex-NYPD forensics expert left paralysed after an accident on the job. Rhyme reluctantly postpones his ambitions towards suicide and puts together a forensic investigation team, enlisting as his eyes and ears young police officer Amelia Sachs. Rhyme digs deep into the only world he has left - his astonishing mind - and slowly begins to narrow the noose around the Bone Collector. But the kidnapper is narrowing his own noose - around Lincoln Rhyme.

My Review:
I remembered that I had read this book years and years ago and had totally forgot most of the plot. I fell in love with the characters all over again. WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RED THIS BOOK AGAIN??!!

I find that with Deaver he has all the right qualities to make a good crime novel. He has likable and memorable characters. He has some amazing and imaginative crimes. He also has more twists and turns that a Grand Prix race at Monaco. But yet has enough detail to make you think, god damn this writer knows his stuff and really has put some research, time and effort into it. I had struggled with the last few crime novels that I had read. Including Patterson, McDermid (Who normally never lets me down) and Lackberg. The Bone Collector was EVERYTHING these authors wanted to write. The ending was fantastic, and was just spellbinding write up to the very last page, even the last sentance!

For me he is one of the masters of Crime and I can't believe I left re-reading and carrying on with the series, for so long!! I will not wait so long to read the next one. I know this will not be my last Deaver book of the year.

Book Review: Tempted by P.C. & Kristin Cast

3.5 out of 5 stars

Zoey needs a break after some serious excitement. Sadly, the House of Night school for vampyres doesn't feature breaks on its curriculum - even for a High Priestess in training and her gang. Plus juggling three guys is no stress reliever, especially when one is a sexy Warrior so into protecting Zoey that he's sensing her emotions. Wider stresses lurk too, and the dark force in Tulsa's tunnels is spreading. Could Stevie Rae be responsible for more than a group of misfit fledglings? And Aphrodite's visions warn Zoey to stay away from the immortal Kalona and his dark allure - but they also show that only Zoey can stop him. She's not exactly keen to meet up, but if Zoey don't go to Kalona he'll exact a fiery vengeance on those closest to her. She just has to find the courage to do what's necessary, or everything that's important to her will be destroyed.

My Review:
I have started to really like series and found them to be real easy reads and I always seem to get my mojo back if it is missing. I hope this book would not let me down as I have had a rather slow mojo for a while. The lay out of the book had been layed out slightly differntly. The chapters are each made into one of themain characters view point. I really liked this.

Aphrodite is for me still y far the best character, I love her, I love how the character has progressed throughout the series. I also love the relationship between her and Darius.

Some of the Teenage language is still annoying me, but I feel that I am getting used to it, and also maybe there is slightly less of it, as Zoey is growing up.

The book rolled along, and was Ok. I was not engrossed in it and I was able to put the down easily. But the ending was, amazing. I did not see that coming... At, all! BLIMEY!!! :o Becuase of this I reserved the next installment and I think the lastest straight away from my library I hope it comes soon!!!

It was hard to give a mark out of ten because for most of the book it was Ok and would have gavee it a 7/10. But the ending was so unexpected (and I cried :blush:) I gave that a 9/10

Book Review: Skullduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

4.5 out of 5 stars

Meet the great Skulduggery Pleasant: wise-cracking detective, powerful magician, master of dirty tricks and burglary (in the name of the greater good, of course). Oh yeah. And dead. Then there's his sidekick, Stephanie. She's! well, she's a twelve-year-old girl. With a pair like this on the case, evil had better watch out! "So you won't keep anything from me again?" He put his hand to his chest. "Cross my heart and hope to die." "Okay then. Though you don't actually have a heart," she said. "I know." "And technically, you've already died." "I know that too." "Just so we're clear." Stephanie's uncle Gordon is a writer of horror fiction. But when he dies and leaves her his estate, Stephanie learns that while he may have written horror, it certainly wasn't fiction. Pursued by evil forces intent on recovering a mysterious key, Stephanie finds help from an unusual source -- the wisecracking skeleton of a dead wizard. When all hell breaks loose, it's lucky for Skulduggery that he's already dead. Though he's about to discover that being a skeleton doesn't stop you from being tortured, if the torturer is determined enough. And if there's anything Skulduggery hates, it's torture! Will evil win the day? Will Stephanie and Skulduggery stop bickering long enough to stop it? One thing's for sure: evil won't know what's hit it.

My Review:
Ok so I really liked this book, my son wanted to read this, so I decided to read it before hand. I found it such a different type of idea. It starts of with the lead character Stephanie finding out that her beloved Uncle has died. I found the chapter about the reading of the will was hillarious. It then is a non stop rollercoaster, with fantastic characters and oneliners.

The style of writing reminds me of Percy jackson and the lightening thief, with the same tempo and the same feel of the unbelieveable being the believable.

Stephanie is a thoroughly mordern heroine. A 12 year old with an independant streak yet with compassion and empathy.

I don't know why but in my mind I always felt like it was set in the like it was a scene in dick tracy, haha. Maybe because of Skullduggery's hat.

Book Review: Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan

4.5 out of 5 stars

You can't tell by looking at me that my dad is Poseidon, God of the Sea. It's not easy being a half-blood these days. You mortals can't even see the monsters we have to fight all the time. So when a game of dodgeball turned into a death match against an ugly gang of cannibal giants, I couldn't exactly ask my gym teacher for help. And that was just for starters. This is the one where Camp Half Blood is under attack, and unless I get my hands on the Golden Fleece, the whole camp will be invaded by monsters. Big ones. Can Percy survive the treacherous Sea of Monsters and restore order to Half-Blood Hill?

My Review:
Ok so this is the secons in the Percy Jackson series, and continues from where we left off in the first book. Percy has spent the summer trying to live a'normal' life until he goes back to Camp Half-Blood. I settle right back into the series, I really did enjoy it. You have the same characters, along with some new one. One new character I utterly adored and I hope he is able to come back for the next book.

These is great for kids, and I have been reading them along with my son, after reading them myself. We love them so much that we have bought the first three of the collection and are looking to get the rest.

Book Review: The Preacher by Camilla Lackberg

3.5 out of 5 stars

For the first time in English, the second psychological thriller from No 1 bestselling Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg. In the fishing community of Fjallbacka, life is remote, peaceful -- and for some, tragically short. Foul play was always suspected in the disappearance twenty years ago of two young holidaymakers in the area. Now a young boy out playing has confirmed this grim truth. Their remains, discovered with those of a fresh victim, send the town into shock. Local detective Patrik Hedstrom, expecting a baby with his girlfriend Erica, can only imagine what it is like to lose a child. When a second young girl goes missing, Hedstrom's attention focuses on the Hults, a feuding clan of misfits, relgious fanatics and criminals. The suspect list is long but time is short -- which of this family's dark secrets will provide the vital clue?

My Review:
I picked this book up as I had to read something for my first book club from the new arrivals shelf.I saw this and as I love Larsson, and this a well known scandinavian author thought I would give it ago,

Ok so this is set in Sweden, and has to do with a hidden family secret. Other than that there are NO other comparisons to the girl with/who series by Stieg Larsson.

The style of writing is totally different and so are the characters. Lackberg is not as detailed as larsson, which in some respects is a good thing. It starts off jumping straight in, and I like that. I was not bored at any point yet at the same time it is not a book that I would say is at my top ten but I would look out for her again.

If you like authors like Val McDermid, Karin Slaughter, then I would recommend to read this book.

Book Review: Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan

5 out of 5 stars

Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I never asked to be the son of a Greek god. I was just a normal kid, going to school, playing basketball, skateboarding. The usual. Until I accidentally vaporized my maths teacher. That's when things started really going wrong. Now I spend my time fighting with swords, battling monsters with my friends and generally trying to stay alive. This is the one where Zeus, God of the Sky, thinks I've stolen his lightning bolt - and making Zeus angry is a very bad idea..

My Review:
Ok this is a YA book. I got thhis out from the library as my oldest wanted to watch the film. I LOVED IT!!! I have been busy and did not have much time to read it in a long sitting I wish I had!It was just great in everyway! I loved going back to my childhood and reliing all the old Greek lessons about Greek Mythology and how the author has related it to modern times.

i have read this to my son now (I bought the series) and he loves it. He can relate to Percy as he had ADHD and dyslexia and they go into why Percy has these things wrong with him (It helps him fight and learn Greek ancient Greek better)

Quick paced and awesome characters!!!

Book Reviews: The Ghost by Robert Harris

1 out of 5 stars

'The moment I heard how McAra died I should have walked away. I can see that now...' The narrator of Robert Harris's gripping new novel is a professional ghostwriter - cynical, mercenary, and with a nice line in deadpan humour. Accustomed to working with fading rock stars and minor celebrities, he jumps at the chance to ghost the memoirs of Britain's former prime minister, especially as it means flying to the American resort of Martha's Vineyard in the middle of winter and finishing the book in the seclusion of a luxurious house. But it doesn't take him long to realise he has made a terrible mistake. His predecessor on the project died in circumstances that were distinctly suspicious, and the ex-prime minister turns out to be a man with secrets in his past that are returning to haunt him - secrets with the power to kill. The Times has called Robert Harris 'the leading current exponent of the intelligent literary thriller'. The Ghost is his most compelling novel yet.

My Review:
Ok now this has had some pretty shocking reviews and some well awesome reviews. I saw this in my local chairty shop before I newa movie was coming out, and seemed right up my street.

This was total and utter... B******s!!!!!!!!!!

My mojo went, I groaned when I picked the book up. Took me WEEKS to read even though it is a fairly short book with pretty big font.

I had no care for the characters. I thought of the book as bland and dull. I just found it was a book for Harris to have a dig at politicians and get paid for it at the same time.... Mate get on twitter, and save both me and my mojo a headache!!!

The last 80 pages were good. There for me was no real shocker. I found some things in the book, just utterly stupid and uncomprehendable, that I was just laughing to myself... Oh come on you can't be serious!

Just utterly pants!

Book Review: Chosen by P.C. & Kristin Cast

4.5 out of 5 stars

I guess it had gone okay with Stevie Rae. I mean, she had agreed to meet me tomorrow. And she hadn't tried to bite me, which was a plus. Of course, the whole trying-to-eat-the-street-person thing was highly disturbing ..." Zoey's best friend, Stevie Rae, is undead - in an eww! zombie! kind-of-way, not in a cool vampire kind-of-way. She's struggling to retain her humanity and Zoey doesn't have a clue how to help. But she does know that anything they discover must be kept secret. Trust has become a rare commodity. Sinister forces are at work at the House of Night, where the line between friend and enemy is becoming dangerously blurred. - Not suitable for younger readers ?

My Review:
Ok so my mojo had totally and utterly deserted me. I could not find any books that I could stay interested in. so i decided to go back to an genre that I knew should get my mojo back. I ad no crime books that I had from the library all I had left was the third installment of the HOuse of Night series.

So far I had thought of them OK. I was not that keen on the first one, read the second one and thought it was better. This one was well Hell it got my Mojo back.

It passed a month since the last book. I found that quite hard to get to grips. Was not a big issue but found that quite a short space of time inbetween books. Zoey/Zoeybird/Z is finding it hard coming to terms with what has become of her best friend. I don't want to give anything away of this story. But there are many elements to it. All at some point interlinking. Ok so some of the outcomes are predictable, some of the things are cring worthy, yet. I loved it. I could not turn the pages quick enough.

Zoey's life takes a huge turning point during this book. There are some changes to her, and to the language sje uses. But then sometimes you see this other side to her, that just grinds me gears. Yes readers that is still in this book, but not half as much.

The end was great, and really was a OOOOOOOOO I have to read the next book now!! How is Zoey going to deal with all the results and consequences of what happened in book three. As a result I have already reserved my copy of book four, and I darn well hope I get it soon!

Pros: fast past lots of action and a twisty plot long, brought back my mojo. Loves Aphrodite.

Cons: Zoey can still be utterly annoying at points.           

Book Review: Eternal by Cynthia Leich Smith

3 out of 5 stars

CLASSIFIED ADS: WANTED Personal assistant to Her Royal Highness. Duties: Whatever is asked, without hesitation, including but not limited to secretarial / administrative, household, defence, blood donation, driving, companionship, prey disposal, and love slavery. At last, Miranda is the life of the party: all she had to do was die. Elevated and adopted by none other than the reigning King of the Mantle of Dracul, Miranda goes from high school theatre wannabe to glamorous royal fiend overnight. Meanwhile, Zachary, her reckless and adoring guardian angel, demoted to human guise as the princess�s personal assistant, must try to save his girl�s soul before all hell arrives, quite literally, on their castle doorstep. In alternating points of view, vampire Miranda and angel Zachary navigate a cut-throat eternal aristocracy as they play out a dangerous love story for the ages.

My Review:
Ok so I saw this at m local library under the book shelf "If you like Twilight..." So I picked this up and it sounded different and had great potential... Hmmm....

This is quite a hard book to review and I have had all day to think about while out with the kids.

Ok.. This was an easy quick read. They typical YA book. I feel like the author was a bit like Ok how to make money what do I need... VAmpires, check! angels, check! Forbidden love, check!..... Wayhey! Paycheck day.

The book was all about forbidden love. Good (Angels) versus evil (vampires). That is pretty much it. Many referances to many well know authors and playwrites, including Shakespeare, Dickens and Stoker.

The characterisation was for me poor. I hated Miranda all the way through the book, I never got it, I never got her or the way she suddenly changed. I only started to 'see' her as a character in the last four pages. Her character, situation and generally just everything about it was just unrealistic. Zakary was the sexy, muscle clad, sex god, with morals, and romantic love.:smile2: The romantic scenes were rushed. The scenes that were suppose to be sad, did not pull one emotional heart string. I got confused at one point who was who, and people who were apparently important, were not described in anyway shape or form and I was left thinking.. Hang on.. Why were they important? The people whom I thought were to be important and whom were made a big deal were actually not big players in the end.

But... Now this is the thing. I really want to know what happens. Again The writer, being the cleverwriter she is, has left it.... You guessed it.. Open.. Way-hey! and because of this and me being the sort of person I am I want to read the next book, so no it can't be that bad.

Inconclusion, read it if you find it for half price and want a quuick, non offensive read. It will however not keep Meyer awake at night thinking that this writer has given her some stiff competion.... She has not. There are better books in this genre on the market, including Hush hush, and Shiver. But I can think of some that are a lot worse.

Pros: It has vampires

Cons: No sexy male vampires! Run of the mill. Could not bond with characters.

Book Review: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

4.5 out of 5 stars

Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. But Katniss has been close to death before - and survival, for her, is second nature. "The Hunger Games" is a searing novel set in a future with unsettling parallels to our present. Welcome to the deadliest reality TV show ever...

My Review:
I was totally chocker with things to do while reading this book which was a real shame. I saw this on the YA section of new books in at my local library. It seemed a totally different and novel idea and decided to pick it up on a whim.

I was not dissapointed. Totally original idea and easily read for both adults and YA alike. Great characters that suck you in, and an idea with many twists and turns that keep you guessing right to the end.

The pace of the book is perfect, with enough detailed to get your gripped yet not too much where you are yawn and yearning for it to move on. There are three 'parts' to this book. One before the games, where you see kaniss's life before the games, how much of a struggle it is to even get the basics of food and shows how she gained some of her strength and knowledge, also some of the other people in her life whom get mentioned through out the book. You then see the transformationfor the public. Second part is the games itself and the third part is the aftermath.

The ending is good and ends on such a dramatic note, you really are like nooooo, what the ??? Quick get me the second book NOW!!! Fantastic and can't wait to read the second, I just am worried it can't top this!

Pros: Not read a book like this in a long time, perfect for YA and Adults alike

Cons: The cover of the edition I had. It had to different sides of the cover so you knew that Peeta was also a good guy, when at one point you did not know if he was.

Book Review: Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

4.5 out of 5 stars

A sacred oath, a fallen angel, a forbidden love...This darkly romantic story features our heroine, Nora Grey, a seemingly normal teenage girl with her own shadowy connection to the Nephilim, and super-alluring bad boy, Patch, now her deskmate in biology class. Together they find themselves at the centre of a centuries-old feud between a fallen angel and a Nephilim...Forced to sit next to Patch in science class, Nora attempts to resist his flirting, though gradually falls for him against her better judgment. Meanwhile creepy things are going on with a mysterious stalker following her car, breaking into her house and attacking her best friend, Vi. Nora suspects Patch, but there are other suspects too - not least a new boy who has transferred from a different college after being wrongly accused of murdering his girlfriend. And he seems to have taken a shine to Nora...Love certainly is dangerous...and someone is going to have to make the ultimate sacrifice for it.

My Review:
I had wanted to read this book for a while when I saw it in my local tescos while doing a Christmas shop. I decided to wait until after the Xmas period was over. Lucky for me I was able to get it out from my library. So if it was not good and was too YA for me, it would not matter.

But I was plesantly surprised in the end. With a start that started out with a "Lets jump on he Twilight bandwagon" but instead of a vampire lets replace it with an Angel.

Yes there are MANY things that make you compare it to Twilight. Yet once you get past that feeling, you get to read a good book in it's own right.

With a non existant mojo (and I mean existant) this book got my mojo in full swing. I could not litrally put the book down. Housework was put aside today just so I could read it to the end I HAD TO FINISH IT!!!

Ok so it is not the most original of books, we know where some of her inspiration came from, yet there are some quirky ideas in the mix, and some interesting characters. There are not many characters which is good. I never got confused by who was who and with each character I had an ideal in my head of whom they were. Saying that I did not think that it was for me the best of written books, but then it is a YA.

For people with YAs most definately a book for them. No sex in it at all. flirting, yes. Talked about a little. But nothing in detail(very very very little in fact) Also no swearing. Yet unlike some other YA books, no childish or modern slang used.

All in all a good and exciting read for a flagging mojo. Will be looking out for the next one CRESENDO.

Book Review: 3rd Degree by James Patterson

3.5 out of 5 stars

The third novel in the Women's Murder Club series. One of the best-loved heroines from the Women's Murder Club is about to die. Which one will it be? Detective Lindsay Boxer is jogging along a beautiful San Francisco street as a ferocious blast rips through the neighbourhood. A townhouse owned by an internet magnate explodes into flames, three people die and a sinister note signed 'August Spies' is found at the scene. Soon a wave of violence sweeps through the city -- and it seems that whoever is behind it is intent on killing someone every three days. Even more terrifying, the four friends who call themselves the Women's Murder Club discover that the killer has targeted one of them. And Lindsay learns that one member of the club is hiding a secret so dangerous and unbelievable that it could destroy them all.

My Review:
I lost my mojo for a while not because of the book just to be honest did not want to read for a it. Luckly I was reading this bok as with all PAtterson's they are easy put downn and pick back up.

Ok so like all Patterson's books this was a wuick paced book with lots of action, and very short chapters, which are shorter than my finger nails! :D But for a single Mum I like that, a quick chapter here, quick chapter there all mounts up.

The book was very political, which I have been finding in a few of his more later books.

As for the characters, when something happensto one of the characters, I actually di dnot feel any emotion, I don't tend to with the characters, I find that with Patterson's chracters. Yet with Patterson Id o tend to get engrossed in the thriller. I suppose you an't win them all.

Book Review: Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

4.5 out of 5 stars

To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. Pulled in one direction by her intense passion for Edward Cullen, and in another by her profound connection to werewolf Jacob Black, she has endured a tumultuous year of temptation, loss and strife to reach the ultimate turning point. Her imminent choice to either join the dark but seductive world of immortals or pursue a fully human life has become the thread from which the fate of two tribes hangs. Now that Bella has made her decision, a startling chain of unprecedented events is about to unfold with potentially devastating and unfathomable consequences. Just when the frayed strands of Bella's life - first discovered in TWILIGHT, then scattered and torn in NEW MOON and ECLIPSE - seem ready to heal and knit together, could they be destroyed...forever?

My Review:
A book that I had been looking forward to for a while, but I had heard some less than brillant reviews before hand and I had actaully been told the story before hand whcih ruined it a little. But I still lvoed it. I was hooked for the first page.

I absolutely adore Edward. I can not get enough of him. I totally forgot I was in a book. I was in this world, totally sucked in, if the plane crashed I don't think I would have realised. :lol:

I did not mind Jacob in this book. Like is maybe a too strong a word. Normally I groan when I see a big chunk of warewolf.

I love the relationship between Edward and Jacob in this book. I got many smiles, laugh out louds and ooooooooooooh from this book just from the converstations and scenes with those two in. I do however hate the imprinting thing. I found rather cringeworthy and felt kind of strange reading it. I also found the swing of emotions from Bella and Edward about it stange also.

The only other thing that got me confused was the whole Charlie thing. I thought there was going to be some big cliffhanger or thing at the end. Due to the drmatic and rather quick and sudden inclusion of the storyline.

The ending like other people was a bit like Eclipse and was an anti climax, how long was the build up? ;) I did however shed tears, smile and all the other emotion the books bring out of me.

I was sad to turn the final page and see The End.

All in all I loved the book, even the ending. It's a series where if another book came out I would have to preorder it, counting down the days to read. I don't care if it is not the most beautifully written in the world, or if it has the contention to be up their with soome of the greatest books/ series on Earth. For me there is something about the series, the characters, that make me feel that I am there. Like they are my friends, and that to me is one hell of a good series.
Cons: Some of the sub plots were strange and hard to digest. The ending could have had a bit more pow!

Book Review: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

3 out of 5 stars

Washington DC: Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned at the last minute to deliver an evening lecture in the Capitol Building. Within moments of his arrival, however, a disturbing object - gruesomely encoded with five symbols - is discovered at the epicentre of the Rotunda. It is, he recognises, an ancient invitation, meant to beckon its recipient towards a long-lost world of hidden esoteric wisdom. When Langdon's revered mentor, Peter Solomon - philanthropist and prominent mason - is brutally kidnapped, Langdon realizes that his only hope of saving his friend's life is to accept this mysterious summons and follow wherever it leads him. Langdon finds himself quickly swept behind the facade of America's most historic city into the unseen chambers, temples and tunnels which exist there. All that was familiar is transformed into a shadowy, clandestine world of an artfully concealed past in which Masonic secrets and never-before-seen revelations seem to be leading him to a single impossible and inconceivable truth. A brilliantly composed tapestry of veiled histories, arcane icons and enigmatic codes, The Lost Symbol is an intelligent, lightning-paced thriller that offers surprises at every turn. For, as Robert Langdon will discover, there is nothing more extraordinary or shocking than the secret which hides in plain sight...

My Review:
Ok so this was one of the most hyped up pre-ordered books of all time apparently. The third and latest Robert Langdon book. Wow! So did it live up to the hype?...

Ok so I have a couple points/ feelings towards this book. First off: De Ja Vu. This is without giving the plot away the normal Robert Langdon story. Langdon sees himself brought into to some kind of situation. All of a sudden it is a race against time, normally involving a car chase. Robert 'super Kriss cross solver' Langon has to solve loads of clues runs around loads of historical sites (always a library close to hand) and solves the clues to unviel many 'secret' idealogoies that could change the world... Oh and lets not forget the strong, beautiful, intelligent, yet damsel in distress sidekick... Thats it.

I was looking forward to this as I loved The Da Vinci code and liked Angels and Demons. I have never heard much about the Freemasons to begin with so this intrigued me alot, and was hoping that by the end of the book I would want to hook up to google and get me a piece of freemason action. The start was good. The first page was a message from Brown stating that the organisations involved in the story, all arts, places etc etc were all FACT! Wow! I was salivating already. As the book goes on I felt like this was actually, the least 'realistic' of all three books. I could not imagine, nor care for the 'facts' that he was exposing. I was quite often thinking really? Are your sure? I just felt like he was bending the truth more than Uri Gellar bends spoons.

But apart from my moans and grumbles, I read the book in two days, and the quick pace of the books got me through it.Yet I was turning every page thinking where is that Dan Brown "Kerpow" That little piece of information or thought that gets you thinking. I personally found nothing like that in the book.

All in all it was not that bad where I put it down could not get ito it, and leftit beside the bed. It was a run of the mill thriller. That's unfortunately all that it was.

Pros: Typical Dan Brown. Easy to read.

Cons: Same old. I found the storyline not as good as the rest.

Book Review: Betrayed by P.C. & Kristin Cast

3 out of 5 stars

It seems that (un)life is going pretty well for Zoey Redbird. She's settled in at the House of Night finishing school and is coming to terms with the vast powers the vampyre goddess, Nyx, has given her. She even has a boyfriend...or two. Best of all, Zoey finally feels she has found somewhere she belongs. Then the unthinkable happens.Human teenagers are being killed, and all the evidence points to the vampires at Zoey's school. While danger stalks the humans from Zoey's past life, she begins to realise that the very powers that made her so unique might also threaten those she loves. Then, when she needs her new friends the most, death strikes the House of Night. Zoey finds herself facing a betrayal that could break her heart and jeopardise the very fabric of her world.

My Review:
I read this book after leaving The Girl who Kicked the Hornets' Nest for my up coming flight. My mojo as a result was floundering by the second and I needed something that was quick and not to in depth. This I hoped would do the job.

This is the second book in the series, and as expected it was Ok. It did take me a little longer to read and I was a little bored half way through. The ending was pretty good though and like the first I will at some point read the third.

The language used did not annoy me quite so much as the last, and was not a huge annoyance of the book unlike the first. This is however not a book for young readers, yet not adult enough for it to be an adult book, I still felt that you could tell that it had the imput of two writers.
I did find the plot of The added love interest (The poetry teacher) highly unbelievable, even at some points laughable, why they feel they need t add another love interest is beyond me. All in all it is Ok, and with most series that I start to read I tend to want to finish them off. I won't be in a major, OhmygodIneedtoreaditnow panic to read the next one, even though at some point I will.

Book Review: Fever of the Bone by Val McDemid

3.5 out of 5 stars

'You should have been a detective. If there's one thing the last year has proved, it's how good you are at finding things out. Not simple things. Hard things. Things that nobody is supposed to be able to find out. Things that are buried so deep nobody even thinks twice about them. The sort of things that turn people's lives inside out once they're exposed.' Meet Tony Hill's most twisted adversary - a killer with a shopping list of victims, a killer unmoved by youth and innocence, a killer driven by the most perverted of desires. The murder and mutilation of teenager Jennifer Maidment is horrific enough on its own. But it's not long before Tony realises it's just the start of a brutal and ruthless campaign that's targeting an apparently unconnected group of young people. Struggling with the newly-awakened ghosts of his own past and desperate for distraction in his work, Tony battles to find the answers that will give him personal and professional satisfaction in his most testing investigation yet.

My Review:
Ok so I had a vacating mojo for the start of this book, so I can't give a good indication of the start of the book. But what I will say is that you should, must read the previous book in the series 'Beneath the Bleeding'. Fever of the bone continues with the story of Tony and his personal life. I can't really say more or I will ruin it for people who have yet to read either book.

I am going to be honest. Normally with Val McDermid, I never get an idea of what is going on, and if I do it is a slight snippet. I did to be honest get all of the ending and I started to get bored waiting for the characters to catch up.

Other than it was fast paced with the normal psychological information that you normally get from her books.

I am not saying this is a bad read and it is still a good read and would not say dismiss it, but if you compare it to The Mermaid Singing, or even Beneath the Bleeding it is definately not as good.

Pros: Two of my favourite characters, and a great insight into the Tony.

Cons: Not the most original of plots and I found myself pointing the points together.

Book Review: Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

4 out of 5 stars

Grace is fascinated by the wolves in the woods behind her house; one yellow-eyed wolf in particular. Every winter, she watches him but every summer, he disappears. Sam leads two lives. In winter, he stays in the frozen woods, with the protection of the pack. In summer, he has a few precious months to be human ...until the cold makes him shift back again. When Grace and Sam finally meet, they realize they can't bear to be apart. But as winter nears, Sam must fight to stay human - or risk losing himself, and Grace, for ever.

My Review:
Ok so I reserved my book when I read a review by Weave I think and though it would be a really nice book to read.

I would like to add that this book has had many great reviews so my expectation was pretty high.

First off. I really like Grace as a character and reminds me a little of myself at that age. I found her totally adorable, yet strong in many ways. Sam wamed to me throughout the book, I could not seem to get a picture of him in my mind. But he is still a lovely character.

The book is full of love's young dream, pure, sweet, innocent even. I don't do love stories and my favourite moments of Twilight are the action chapters, but I liked this.... alot. I found the ending brilliant and a lovely little twist. changes in characters, and some funny little scenes and dialogues bettween the central characters.

I do feel that this is a way to get on the twilight (YA sci fi fantasty genre) band waggon, yet it is good in it's own right, with some lovely changes to the much churned out warewolf genre.

Light quick chirpy lovely read.

Oh and it is fine for YA. Only two swear words in the book. B:censored:d twice. Other than that a lovely read for a love struck teen.

I will be looking for the book in July!

Pros: Quick to read, flowed beautifully, lovely to read chapters based on each characters perspective and thoughts. Loved the cold temperature twist of the warewolves.

Cons: No enough action for me, but that is a pure personal taste rather than a flaw of the book.

Book Review: Witch Child by Celia Rees

3 out of 5 stars

When Mary sees her grandmother accused of witchcraft and hanged for the crime, she is silently hurried to safety by an unknown woman. The woman gives her tools to keep the record of her days - paper and ink. Mary is taken to a boat in Plymouth and from there sails to the New World where she hopes to make a new life among the pilgrims. But old superstitions die hard and soon Mary finds that she, like her grandmother, is the victim of ignorance and stupidity, and once more she faces important choices to ensure her survival. With a vividly evoked environment and characters skilfully and patiently drawn, this is a powerful literary achievement by Celia Rees that is utterly engrossing from start to finish.

My Review:
Ok I heard about this book on here on the children's part of the forum, it sounded really good so I reserved it at my library.

I got the book and I found it to be really short with large font so I knew it would be a one day read.

This is a hard book for me to review because this is for a book for kids. It was not what I was expecting and for the first half of the book I was really not liking it, I was bored and wanted a book with more action. But once I got past my own wants, I actaully got into this little Gem, it took a while for the 'Witch stuff' to come in but once I did I really quite enjoyed it and found it to be a pleasant read. I actually read the book with my son last night and he asked me to get the follow on, which to me shows this is a good book.

To think this is about magic and spells and stuff like that you are wrong, this is about a girl and her everyday life in the 1600's in a time where religion explained everything and how the devil was still'within us' it shows a headstrong and yet logical and intelligent girl.

I lovely, light gem of a read.

Book Review: Stolen by Kelley Armstrong

4.5 out of 5 stars

It's time to bite back...Elena Michaels is a wanted woman. She hasn't done anything wrong. Well, not recently, anyway. But ten years ago her lover turned her into a werewolf: the only female werewolf in the world, in fact. And now, just as she's finally coming to terms with this rather startling situation, a group of scientists learns of her existence. They're hunting her down, and Elena is about to run straight into their trap. But they haven't reckoned on Elena's adoptive family, her Pack, who will stop at nothing to get her back. They haven't reckoned on Elena herself, either, and that's a big mistake...

My Review:
Ok so some people know that I did not really like the first one in the series all that much, but due to Charm saying to read the second I did, and I do not regret it. I took me a while to pick up the book and I tried and tried to stay away from it, I did not want another bore fest like I did with the first. But once I started I started to enjoy it.

I bonded with the characters in this book. I found Elena to be couragous, and a character that I was starting to really like, as I was with Clayton. Original story with lots of action and a few twists and turns to boot. I will be honest I did click the ending and Who the baddies were, so to speak. but I still found it entertaining and gripping in many many ways. This for me, showed off Armstrong's writing abilities, which for me I felt was lacking somewhat in the previous book, she was able to add in many new characters in this book and yet I was not lost in anyway. Now I am not saying that the book was a simple plot with non complex character's, Oh no! Far from that, She was able to describe each character so well, that I was truely sucked in (Which I did not find with Bitten) I was never confused with who was who, I just knew.

Apart from a few bits, where I rolled my eyes. I loved it. Oh also I found one character to seem out of place. As I found cassandra an interesting character at the beginning (Come on she is a vampire :lol: ) I don't get where I character was heading, she did nothing apart from make a play at Clay, I do hope that there is more too her, if not then I do feel that was a rather pointless character. I will be reading the next one thats for sure, yet I have a horrible feeling that just as I started to like Elena and Clay, they are not going to be so present in the next couple of books :)

Book Review: The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde

5 out of 5 stars

It's Easter in Reading - a bad time for eggs - and no one can remember the last sunny day. Humpty Dumpty, well-known nursery favourite, large egg, ex-convict and former millionaire philanthropist is found shattered beneath a wall in a shabby area of town.

Following the pathologist's careful reconstruction of Humpty's shell, Detective Inspector Jack Spratt and his Sergeant Mary Mary are soon grappling with a sinister plot involving cross-border money laundering, the illegal Bearnaise sauce market, corporate politics and the cut and thrust world of international Chiropody.

As Jack and Mary stumble around the streets of Reading in Jack's Lime Green Austin Allegro, the clues pile up, but Jack has his own problems to deal with. And on top of everything else, the JellyMan is coming to town...

My Review:
Due to family commitments and Super Mum duties to do, it took my longer than I would have liked to finish this book. In some respects I wish I had read this another time so I could have sat there for hours with a cup of coffee and devoured it in one sitting.

This book is a breath of fresh air in a genre (Murder who dunnit) that has for me become slightly stale. I do not know a book like it. Funny from start to finsh, I warn you if you read this book in public expect funny dissaproving looks from fellow people due to the strange laughing noises coming out from your mouth.

Hillarious and yet loving characters, charactors that you want to see again. Jack is hillarious and you find that you are 'egging' (get it) him on to do well and to get that out of reach memebership of the guilds. Mary is a character whom you learn to love. I think she will develop in character in the next book in the series.

There are many twists and turns in the book with many referances to famous detectives inclusing Miss Marple, and Agatha Christie and if I am right a little bit of Monty Python in there to boot. HOWEVER, do not think that the constant flow of humour will ruin the book and will not be well written, it is fantastically written.

AAAAAH I could go on for days about how good this book is. I don't give out top marks very often but this deserves it. READ THIS BOOK!

Decisions, decisions. Costume Ideas for SDCC 2012 and tickets are not on sale yet!

So for the next few months (hopefully) I will be blogging a lot about my quest to fulfil an ambition of mine and go to San Diego Comic Con. As it will be my 30th in 2012 I felt it had to be done NOW!

So everyday myself and my mate are clicking the offical website hoping to get some news about ticket sales. But before we do that there are some girly things to get us excited with.... COSTUMES!!

You can't go to Comic con without wearing a costume about at least one day and there are so many ideas to go with. The obvious choice for me is of course, Catwoman, but then I could also go as She-ra, Xena, Red Sonja, you name it. Then there is the price tag. Good quality costumes don't come cheap and my sewing abilities are not what they used to be and i think the words "quick get the sticky back plastic, the top's falling down" will be yelled at least a thousand times.

So yes this does take time, preperation, looking through many a web page, costume store, and comic book to help and inspire me.

Any suggestions wouldbe great, including themes, places to buy good costumes and any experiences about dressing up at Comic Con!

Monday, 5 September 2011

Book Review: The Colour Of Death by Michael Cordy

4.5 out of 5 stars

In a quiet, residential neighbourhood of Portland, Oregon, an unknown young woman uncovers a shocking crime scene by inexplicably sensing the evil within its walls. To the police, she herself is a mystery. She appears on no government records, has no past and can’t even tell the police her own name.

Christened Jane Doe and suffering terrifying hallucinations, she is assigned to Nathan Fox, a forensic psychiatrist struggling with his own demons after witnessing his parents’ murder as a child. Together they must piece together the jigsaw that is Jane’s identity.

Then a sequence of brutal killings terrorise the city and Fox learns Jane is the only cryptic link between the unrelated victims. To solve the murders, discover who she is and diagnose her condition, Fox must discard his black and white preconceptions, look beyond the spectrum of normal human experience and confront the dark truth of her past…and his own.

My Review:
I received this book as I am participating in the Transworld Book Group Reading Challenge. This is the sort of book that I would normally read. This is a first a thriller yet has a supernatural twist that gives this book an edge on other books in a genre that of late has been rather stagnant.

The book starts off nineteen years earlier where a family get caught in a cross fire in a gas station and the little boy is the only survivor. We later find out that he is one of the main characters, Nathan Fox. The book then then moves on to the present day to a woman who single handed brings down a Russian Slave Trade and saves the slave girls. But afterwards looses her memory. Why did she save the girls? What is her name? And who is the baby in the picture in the locket she is wearing? She hopes to find out these answers by talking to Nathan Fox, who uses different methods to try and help her. You find out that she has a neurological condition called synathesia. Could this condition be the key in unlocking Jane Doe's past...?

The book really was a page turner. From ten pages in I was hooked and couldn't put it down. The characters were believeable and loveable, really three dimensional.

A book I really would recommend and an author I will most definately be looking in to invest in the rest of his works!

Friday, 26 August 2011

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Prisioner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

5 out of 5 Stars

Harry Potter, along with his friends, Ron and Hermione, is about to start his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry can't wait to get back to school after the Summer Holidays, who wouldn't if they lived with the horrible Dursleys? But when Harry gets to Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense. There is an escaped mass murderer on the loose, and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school....

My Review:
Like the previous books, we begin the book with Harry with his horrid family the Dursleys. Because of the views the Dursleys have on magic, Harry to has to hide all things magic and not talk about his fantastic 'other' life. This is highlighted at the beginning of the book when his Uncle Vernon tells him that Aunt Marge is coming to stay and that Uncle Vernon has made this story up to hide the fact that Harry was a wizard. This makes Harry mad and does something that no wizards should do in front of Muggles. Harry tells Uncle Vernon that he has had enough grabs his things and walks out. He thinks that because of what he has done. He is going to be expelled from Hogwarts and will have nowhere to go. Like most of us at some point, Harry comes up with all the ways to live and make money while being on his own. Until all of a sudden a bus pulls up; how very British! This is where the book really begins... On the bus we hear all about Sirius Black. The mass murderer who is the first ever man to escape the Azkaban Prison. In book two we read a little about Azkaban prison and how horrible it is. In book three you read about all the details about Azkaban and why it is such a shock that Black was able to escape...

So did I like it? HELL YES I DID!! Finally I get it. I loved this book so much. It made me think, it made me gasp, it made me sad, and happy and well made my inner child scream for joy! With this book I found it finally made that cross over. This book is primarily a kids book make no mistake, and if you are a book snob then you probably aren't gonna try and read this. But if you are open minded, you will love this book. The language and style of writing is easy to read. But not too simple for adults to enjoy. The book has twists and turns enough to grip the older reader, yet simple enough for younger readers to understand and keep reading  the book. I am starting to love the three kids just like they were my own. I was reading the book and saying out loud "Harry! You really shouldn't do that. You are sooo gonna get caught!" Yet at the same time the more I read of the series the more I seem to find parts of me in each of the characters.

I unfortunately have to have a break from reading Potter right now as I have a pile of books to read and review and because of this I feel kinda sad. I see book four on my book shelf and I just wanna read it! My friends are there, Snape is there, my inner child is there.

Fantastic reads for the whole family during bank holiday weekend.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

3.5 out of 5 stars.

Harry Potter is a wizard. He is in his second year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Little does he know that this year will be just as eventful as the last...

My Review:
The Book begins where the last book finished. Harry is back with the horrid Dursley's. They still don't like Harry and still see him as an inconvenience. After an incident at the house, Harry is condemned to his room where he is locked in. Down beat and without any letters from his friends, Harry thinks this is the end of his time as a pupil at Hogwarts. But Ron along with his brothers help Harry to escape and once they arrive at Hogwarts a mystery starts to unravel. People have been attacked within the walls of Hogwarts. Rumours are flying, but who or what is causing these attacks.... And why?

The thing with the world of Potter is that there is always someone in your life who is obsessed with it. Two of my best friends are and so is my son. Because of this I have decided to give them a go. After the first one, which didn't quite hit the spot for me, I was hoping that this one would kick start my love for all things Potter and I would soon start to instantly recognise that Hufflepuff was a Hogwart's house name and not some form of Pokemon. Which by the way I now know all the house names!

Other than that I don't know where to start and what to put in this review other than ' I read it'. It was okay. It was readable. It...was pleasant. I am starting to feel that I am not falling in love with Potter the way I should. Is there something wrong with me? Do I need to see a shrink?  There is nothing wrong with Potter. If I were a child I would LOVE these books. Be obsessed with them like I am with Lord of the Rings. But I am just not grabbed. I could easily pick up the book and carry on from where I left off. But with that I could easily put the book down. There are some positives. I really am getting quite fond of the characters. Ron is my favourite, yet I find that I have a lot of the same traits as Hermione. The plot has quite a few twists and turns, some that I did not expect. It was for me the ending that let it down. A couple of odd sub plots that just I felt had no reason to be put in the book, even though I have been informed that some of these 'sub plots' make sense further on in the books. All in all it was average, that's all I can really say.

I will be reading the next one after a little break. I hope that book three will start the love.

Monday, 15 August 2011

I sooo wanna live in this hobbit house!

NY Times article
Found this on twitter. Someone has posted the link of this article from The New York Times. Called 'A cottage just right for Frodo.'

Mr. Michaels (The Owner) charges $245 a night, and paid about $410,000 to build and furnish it. Taken from the article......There are granite counters in the kitchen, elaborate lighting and a Harmony audiovisual system. A gold ring, which figures prominently in hobbit lore, hangs from a rafter. The rustic wooden furniture is custom-made, and the headboards are embedded with the Hobbit House logo, a hobbit door with a red light — and on the headboards, it’s a real red light.

So where is this 'hobbit hotel'? New Zealand? Nope. Deep in an English Countryside? Nope.

Would you pay $245 a night??

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Book Review: The Devil’s Plague by Mark Beynon


3 out of 5 stars

It is England, in 1651 – The Battle of Worcester. To help him attain a victory over the Royalists, Oliver Cromwell has made a pact with the Devil. In return for his soul, he has been given a fearsome army of the dead – a blood-thirsty platoon of ancient evil…the Kryfangan! With Charles Stuart, the rightful heir to the English throne seemingly killed in battle and his Scottish army slaughtered by the Kryfangan, Cromwell now has control of Parliament. However, by the time the Kryfangan’s real identity is revealed to Cromwell, it is too late to stop their relentless killing spree. And when the true nature of the great plague is exposed, London soon becomes a city overrun by zombie hordes. The English must put aside their religious, social and political differences as they find themselves caught between two armies of the dead waging war with one another.

My review:
It starts off in 1204 with Genghis Khan who has sold his soul with the Devil and the consequences of that. It then moves on to Cromwell and 1651, whom makes the same mistake as Khan and sells his soul to the devil in return for the demonic army called the Kryfangan. There is however a teeny tiny problem. The people who are killed by the army seem to have this rather annoying trait. They don’t stay dead for long….and they are starting to cause havoc in the fair town called London!!!!! Only a King in exile and a troupe of actors stand any chance of stopping them… But can they? and at what cost?

I got this book from my local library and was instantly drawn to it. I haven’t read any of the other books in the Tomes of the Dead series, so unfortunately I have nothing to compare it too. This isn’t your normal run of the mill ‘Zombies, walk, Braaaaaiiiiins, guns, kill, splatter, gore.’ book though, so if thats what you are looking for then this isn’t going to be the book for you. I loved how the author intertwined the historical facts and content with the zombie storyline. It flowed well and worked together. The characters in the story can be quite one dimensional and I found I forgot a couple of the main troupe of people. My only little issue was that for me, a zombie crazed reader, I wanted more zombie killing, more blood, more brains, more gore. I had been reading for a long time waiting for a zombie scene yet when I got it it only lasted a few pages. I would have loved some epic zombie battle scene and I think this would have made my review a lot better. Overall a great little quick read, perfect for a commute or beside the pool.

DVD Review: I Bought A Vampire Motorcycle

Date of Release: 1990
Genre: Horror/ Comedy

I went round  friends house who is a huge horror and Zombie fan. He had been telling me about this movie for a while and said that one day we would watch it. He is a huge fan and said that he thought it would be right up my street. He mentioned the words.. “Talking Poo” How could I refuse.
A quick summary of the plot without giving too much away.  The film stars with a motorcycle gang killing an occultist. The bike then becomes ‘possessed’ and has a taste for blood instead of petrol.  We then see the motorcycle being bought at a ‘knock down price’ by the main character Noddy played by Neil Morrisey. Not realising that it’s the evil Bike version of Herbie. From then on you are taken on a ride of shocks, gore and just well, plain silliness that only us Brits can do!
This is not for everyone. The name of the film sums it up. It’s not realistic. It is stupid, and only for people who are open-minded and up for a bit of a laugh. a movie made on a shoe string. It has no special affects.  and music that is OTT yet sets the tone of the film. None of the fab actors would expect an award for the acting but thats the point and I felt that it fitted the film perfectly! With some of the funiest killing scenes I’ve watched in a long time. Along with the most surreal storyline ever. This is a film I just LOVED!
If the title, the thought of a talking poo, a bike riding exorcist who happens to carry some pretty leathal weapons, and an inspector with garlic breath doesn’t put you off….. Then Hell go rent this film!!