Saturday, 13 August 2011

To Be Read Pile

This is the pile of books I'm hoping to get around to soon!

*Robert Anwood - The World According to the Man Down the Pub.
*Ed Baine - Cop Hater (87th Precinct series book #1)
*Linwood Barclay - Too Close To Home
*Ralph 'Sonny' Barger - Hell's Angels; The life and times of an Hell's Angel
*Bill Bass & Jon Jefferson - Death's Acre; Inside the legendary Body Farm
*Stephen Bates - God's own Country; Religion & Politics in the US.
*James Becker - The First Apostle (Chris Bronson Series Book #1)
*James Becker - The Moses Stone (Chris Bronson Series Book #2)
*Daniel Benjamin - The Next Attack
*Jonathan Black - The Secret History of the World
*Sam Bourne - The Righteous Men
*Sam Bourne - The Last Testament
*James Bradley - The Resurrectionist
*Dan Brown - The Lost symbol
*Dan Burstein - Secrets of the Code.
*Jon Butler & Bruno Vincent - Do Bats Have Bollocks?
*Michael Byrnes - The Sacred Blood
*Trudi Canavan - The Magician's Guild (The Black Magician Series Book #1)
*Trudi Canavan - The Novice (The Black Magician Series Book #2)
*Trudi Canavan - The high Lord (The Black Magician Series Book #3)
*John Case - The Genisis Code
*Richard A. Clarke - Against All Enemies (Inside America's War on Terror
*Vernon Coleman - Rogue Nation
*Max Allan Collins - BONES; buried Deep (Based on the TV show)
*Stephen Cook - The Real Cracker
*Patricia Cornwell - Body of Evidence (Scarpetta series Book# 2)
*Patricia Cornwell - Cruel and Unusual (Scarpetta Series Book #4)
*Patricia Cornwell - The Body Farm (Scarpetta Series Book # 5)
*Patricia Cornwell - From Potter's Field (Scarpetta Series Book #6)
*Patricia Cornwell - Unnatural Exposure (Scarpetta Series Book # 8)
*Patricia Cornwell - Point of Origin (Scarpetta Series Book # 9)
*Patricia Cornwell - The last Precinct (Scarpetta Series Book #11)
*Patricia Cornwell - Trace (Scarpetta series book # 13)
*Patricia Cornwell - Predator (Scarpetta series Book #14)
*Patricia Cornwell - Book of The dead (Scarpetta Series Book # 15)
*Donn Cortez - CSI Miami: Riptide
*MaryJanice Davidson - Undead and Unwed.
*Jeffery Deaver - The Bone Collector ( Lincoln Rhyme Series book #1)
*Jeffery Deaver - The Coffin Dancer (Lincoln Rhyme series book #2)
*Jeffery Deaver -The Stone Monkey (Lincoln Rhyme Series book #4)
*Jeffery Deaver - The Broken Window (Lincoln Rhymes series book #8)
*Joesph Delaney - The Spooks Apprentice
*Christiane Desroches- Noblecort - Tutankhamen
*Stephen Dobyns - The Church of Dead Girls
*Barbara Ewing - The Mesmerist
*Larry Flynt - Sex, Lies and Politics
*Al Franken - Lies & the Liars who tell them; A look at the right
*Timothy Freke & Pete Gandy - Jesus & the Goddess
*Reg Gdney - Mother, Son and Holy Ghost (Allan Rosslyn book #2)
*Philip Gardiner - Secret societies
*Sir J Gardner Wilkinson - The Ancient Egyptians; Their Life & Customs
*Arthur Golden - Memoirs of a Geisha
*Tess Gerritsen - The Surgeon (Rizzoli Series book #1)
*Tess Gerritsen - The Apprentice (Rizzoli Series book #2)
*Tess Gerritsen - The sinner (Rizzoli Series Book #3)
*Tess Gerritsen - Body Double (Rizzoli Series Book #4)
*Tess Gerritsen - Vanish ( Rizzoli Series Book #5)
*Tess Gerritsen - The Mephisto Club (Rizzoli series Book #6)
*Tess Gerritsen - Harvest
*David Gibbins - Atlantis (Jack Howard Series Book #1)
*David Gibbins - The Last Gospel (Jack Howard Series Book #3)
*Sue Grafton - P is for Peril (Kinsey Millhone Series Book #16)
*Jill Gregory & Karen Tintori - The Book of Names
*Andrew Gross -The Dark Tide
*Graham Hancock - The Sign and the Seal (Quest for the Ark of Covenant)
*Lori Handeland - Hunter's Moon (Night Creature Series Book #2)
*Fey Von Hassel - A Mother's War
*Mo Hayder - Birdman (Jack caffery series book #1)
*Mo Hayder - The treatment (Jack caffery series book #2)
*Daniel Hecht - Puppets
*Noreena Hertz - The Silent Takeover
*Anthony Horowitz - Evil Star (The Power of Five Series Book #2)
*Robert Hutchinson - Weapons of Mass distruction
*Terri Irwin - My Steve
*Mike James - Murder One; They went to the Death Chamber
*Captain Charles Johnson - A Genral History of Pirates
*Stuart. M . Kaminsky - CSI:NY - Blood on the Sun
*Jonathan kellerman - A Cold Heart (Alex Delaware series Book #17)
*J.A.Kerley - Little Girls Lost (Carson Ryder series Book #6)
*Natsuo Kirino - Out
*Naomi Klein - No Logo
*Tom Knox - The Genisis Secret
*Charlotte Lamb - Walking in Darkness
*Ian Lawton & Chris Ogilivie-Herald - Giza The Truth
*Jon. E. Lewis - The Mammoth book of Cover-ups.
*Stuart MacBride - Dying Light (Logan McRae Series Book #2)
*Stuart MacBride - Broken Skin (Logan McRae Series Book #3
*Michael Marshall - The Straw Men (The Straw Men Series #1)
*Michael Marshall - Blood of Angels (The straw Men series #3)
*Stephanie Mayer - Breaking Dawn (Twilight book #4)
*Val Mc Dermid - Final Edition (Lindsey Gordon Series book #3)
*Val McDermid - The Torment of Others (Tony Hill Series #4)
*Val McDermid - A place of Execution
*George Monbiot - Captive State
*Richard Montanari - Deviant Ways (Jack Paris series book #1)
*Richard Montanari - The Rosary Girls (Balzano & Byrne series Book #1)
*Richard Montanari - Broken Angels (Balzano & Byrne series Book #3)
*Richard Montanari - Play Dead (Balzano & Byrne Series book #4)
*Michael Moore - Fahrenhiet 9/11 reader
*Michael Moore - Tv Nation
*Frank Moorhouse - Cult killers
*Chris Moyles - The Gospel according to Chris Moyles
Carol O connell - Mallory's Oracle (Mallory Series Book #1)
*Lewis Page - Lions, Donkeys and Dinosaurs
*Bill Napier Shattered Icon
*Jonathan Nasaw - 27 Bones
*Julia Navarro - The Brotherhood of the Holy Shroud.
*Tom Neale - Copper Kiss
*Carla Neggers - The Harbour
*Jefferson Parker - Black Water (Merci Rayborn Series Book # 3)
*P.J. Parrish - A thousand Bones (A louis Kincaid Series Book #8)
*James Patterson - 5th Horseman (Woman's Murder club #5)
*James Patterson - Double Crosss (Alex Cross book # 13)
*James Patterson - Cross Country (alex Cross book # 14)
*Mark Perryman - Hooligan Wars (causes & Effects of Football Violence)
*Lloyd Pettiford & David Harding - Terrorism, the New World War
*Phillip Pullman - Northern Lights (Dark Materials book #1)
*Ian Rankin - Black & Blue (Rebus Series book #8)
*Ian Rankin - Flesh Market Close (Rebus Series book #15)
*Kathy Reichs - Death Du Jour (Temperance Brannan Series book #2)
*Kathy Reichs - Grave Secrets (Tempe Brannan Series book #5)
*Kathy Reichs - Cross Bones (Temperance Brannan Series Book #8)
*Kathy Reichs - Devil Bones (Tempe Brannan Series Book #11)
*Matthew Reilly - The six Sacred Stones
*James Rollins - The Last Oracle (Sigma Force Series Book #5)
*James Rollins - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
*M.J.Rose - The Delilah Complex (Butterfield Insitute Series Book #2)
*J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone. (Potter Book #1)
*J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Potter Book #2)
*J. K. Rowling -Harry Potter and the Prisioner of Azkaban (Potter book #3)
*J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire (Potter Book #4)
*Manda Scott - The Crystal Skull
*Pah Seymour - The Bith of Christ; Exploding the Myth
*Rich Smith - You can get arrested for that!
*Scott Smith - The Ruins
*Taylor Smith - Random Acts
*Erica Spindler - Dead Run
*Starr - Clinton; The Starr Report
*Alison. G. Taylor - Simeon's Bride
*P.J.Tracy - Live Bait (Monkeewrench Series Book #2)
*Lavinia Warner & John Sandilands - Women Beyond The Wire
*Lee Weeks - The Trophy Taker (Detective Johnny Mann Series Book #1)
*Robert K. Wilcox - Shroud
*J.N Williamson - Dead to the world.
*Colin & Damon & Rowan Wilson - Weird News Stories      

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