Friday, 9 September 2011

Book Review: Tempted by P.C. & Kristin Cast

3.5 out of 5 stars

Zoey needs a break after some serious excitement. Sadly, the House of Night school for vampyres doesn't feature breaks on its curriculum - even for a High Priestess in training and her gang. Plus juggling three guys is no stress reliever, especially when one is a sexy Warrior so into protecting Zoey that he's sensing her emotions. Wider stresses lurk too, and the dark force in Tulsa's tunnels is spreading. Could Stevie Rae be responsible for more than a group of misfit fledglings? And Aphrodite's visions warn Zoey to stay away from the immortal Kalona and his dark allure - but they also show that only Zoey can stop him. She's not exactly keen to meet up, but if Zoey don't go to Kalona he'll exact a fiery vengeance on those closest to her. She just has to find the courage to do what's necessary, or everything that's important to her will be destroyed.

My Review:
I have started to really like series and found them to be real easy reads and I always seem to get my mojo back if it is missing. I hope this book would not let me down as I have had a rather slow mojo for a while. The lay out of the book had been layed out slightly differntly. The chapters are each made into one of themain characters view point. I really liked this.

Aphrodite is for me still y far the best character, I love her, I love how the character has progressed throughout the series. I also love the relationship between her and Darius.

Some of the Teenage language is still annoying me, but I feel that I am getting used to it, and also maybe there is slightly less of it, as Zoey is growing up.

The book rolled along, and was Ok. I was not engrossed in it and I was able to put the down easily. But the ending was, amazing. I did not see that coming... At, all! BLIMEY!!! :o Becuase of this I reserved the next installment and I think the lastest straight away from my library I hope it comes soon!!!

It was hard to give a mark out of ten because for most of the book it was Ok and would have gavee it a 7/10. But the ending was so unexpected (and I cried :blush:) I gave that a 9/10

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