Friday, 30 December 2011

Friday Finds (30th December)

Thanks to the fantastic Blog ShouldbeReading

They do a weekly post about the great finds you have made of the week.

What Great books did you discover/ hear about this week?

Thanks to the great present of my Kindle for Xmas I have been given so many recommendations by friends and just trailing Amazon.

These are some of my Finds:
How to Survive the End of The World As we Know it: Tatics, techniques and Technologies for uncertain Times - James Wesley Rawles (Kindle Edition)

I do not know what to expect with this book, but my friend said it would be a great read for me on the kindle. anyone read or even heard of it?
how to survive the end of the world....

A dirty Job: Christopher Moore
My friend had mentioned this author before, so while I was looking for purchases for my Kindle I noticed the name and looked at the rather awesome front cover. These are suppose to be quite popular books.
A Dirty Job

Plum Island: Nelson Demille
Plum Island

American conspiracies: Jesse Ventura

I just love this guy's TV show and was found by a friend of mine :) I've just started to read it and it is exactly how I imagined it to be!
American Conspiracies

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