Friday, 25 November 2011

My first Friday Friday Finds Post.

So I decided that I would really try and work on making my blog more regular as I am starting get quite passionate about my blog so as I had the time I thought I would start of with this one.

Friday Finds is a weekly post made by the fab  Should Be Reading

What great books did you hear about/ discover this past week? Share with us your Friday Finds.

So hear I go.

I haven't found or heard about that many books this week but my first one is

Ice Station By Mathew Rielly Ice station

I have a couple friends who I have found out love to read and while waiting for our kids to finish school we have been talking about book recommendations. She recommended this series. 

Book number two is Digital Fortress By Dan Brown.  Digital Fortress 

This was given to me by a friend to read as even though I knew Dan Brown I had read The da Vinci Code, he Lost Symbol and Angels and Demons I had never got around to reading this one. 

And finally Book Three is Contest by Matthew Rielly. Contest by Matthew Reilly

This was also lent to me by a friend who had just finished reading it and thought I would like it. I have only just this second realised that it is the same author as the first book! I think I better start reading this author!


  1. Nice finds! I really enjoy Dan Brown so I'm sure Digital Fortress will be good!

    Here are my Friday Finds:

  2. Thanks for looking. Just looked at your post some fantastic reads there. Look forward to the reviews.

    Subscribed to your blog and twitter too.

    Have a great Friday. x CW

  3. I read Digital Fortress and really liked it as I am a geek also!!
    Here's my finds:

  4. Thanks for the comment. You havea great Blog. Now a follower!

  5. Digital Fortress is, in my opinion, the best of Dan Brown's novels. I'm not a huge fan of his style (I find him very formulaic), but this one was better than the other, more well-known books...
